Our Vision and Mission


  • To raise awareness on problems that people with disabilities face* and contribute to policy implementations.
  • Provide financial and emotional support to the disabled people and their families to make their life easier.
  • To work on increasing the inclusion of people with disabilities in social and everyday life.
  • Provide encouragement to people with disabilities for taking a larger place in the economicarea.
  • To create a sustainable consciousness in the public eye and social areas.
  • To provide faster and more effective support by working together with related institutions and organizations and coming up with permanent solutions.


Dezavantajlı Bireyleri Destekleme Derneği handles problems of people with all kinds of disabilities.

  • Promote and protect the rights and dignity of the people with disabilities.
  • Provide access to basic rights and services.
  • Provide legal educational and health related consultancy.
  • Provide aid to people in vulnerable situations by mobilizing resources.(shelter, financial support etc.)
  • To organize activities that strengthen social harmony and aim to raise awareness in the society.
  • Contributing to academic studies about people with disabilities
  • To ensure the allocation of resources according to the benefit of people with disabilities.